Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade lil Wolf Mobile Park

Lil Wolf Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

The Lil Wolf Mobile Home Park wastewater treatment plant upgrade involved a complete replacement of an aging wastewater treatment system serving the Lil Wolf Mobile home community in Lehigh County.

The design engineer was Thomas Schreffler, P.E., with Light-Heigle Associates of Palmyra, Pa.

Water Treatment System Lil Wolf Mobile ParkDESCCOWATER was the successful bidder on this competitive bid project. Their role was to perform tank modifications, including sandblasting and painting the interior and exterior of the existing surge tank and the removal of the interior baffle wall. Modification of the existing pumps were made to tie- in to the new force main.

DESCCOWATER also installed an overflow at the new equalization tank, a 6 inch PVC overflow line to the existing tank, and heat tracing where lines were exposed.

DESCCOWATER installed a 55,000 gallon per day system, including UV disinfection and tertiary treatment, as well as removing the old system.

The treatment system employed was a combination of aerobic, anoxic, upflow clarification, and recirculating sand filter treatments, and is exceeding all permit parameters.

Wastewater Treatment Plant System Lil Wolf Mobile ParkThe tertiary filter is the advanced filter process for 3rd stage cleaning of wastewater to meet higher standards of discharge limits. After the filter was set, it was enclosed by a building structure.

The old failing plant was replaced and upgraded and now it is reasonable to expect that the new plant at Lil Wolf Mobile home park will operate and treat properly for the next 30 years.



Client References

MHC Li’l Wolf Limited Partners
c/o Equity Lifestyle Properties
2 N Riverside Plaza, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606

Lil Wolf Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project Milestones

Start: December 1, 2016
Construction Period: December 2016 – February 2018
Construction Cost: $1,354,110.00
Date Completed: February 1, 2018
DESCCOWATER’s Role: General Contractor

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